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BDSMDate Review

BDSMDate Review
About Site
Active Audience 58%
Quality Matches 93%
Popular Age 20-35
Profiles 1 800 000
Reply Rate 89%
Ease of Use 9
Popularity 9.2
Fraud Very Rarely
Registration Free
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BDSMDate users sign up here as well:

Pros and Cons

  • Total devotion to kink and BDSM
  • A guarantee of the privacy of all the members
  • Different communication channels
  • The site languages is limited
  • Maybe illegal in your country
  • Membership is a must to browse the website freely

If you aren’t satisfied with your sexual life, you should try using the BDSMDate website. This’s an online service developed specifically for adults who want to get a unique sexual experience such as kink dating online techniques. This website is aimed to help the fetish-lovers find their perfect matches for a couple of nights or friends who will share their interests. It’s a great service for masters and submissives. This website is filled with people who are open to an absolutely new experience. That’s why, with BDSMDate, you will be able to satisfy the most fervent sexual desires.

To get access to all the features of the website, you have to become a member of the community. After creating your personal profile, you can add your description and some intimate content, including private photos and video clips, share the data, and receive messages from other members.

The Interface of BDSMDate

BDSMDate Review

It won’t take much time to understand how BDSMDate.com works and how to communicate via this service because it has a user-friendly interface. To find out your rights on the website, you need to go to the bottom of one of the pages and to open the section called terms of use. To use all the features, you need to click on the buttons located on the top of each page.

The Registration Process

The form that you have to fill out to create your profile is located exactly on the main page. So, you don’t have to look for it somewhere else.

If this is your first time using this bdsm dating service, you can stay a visitor. If you understand that this website can satisfy your needs, you are allowed to become a member of BDSMDate. To use the platform as a visitor, you shouldn’t create your personal profile. However, there is only a limited number of functions available for such users. If you want to find a partner, it’s better to sign up on BDSMDate.

To create your account, you only need to fill the gaps in the form. In this case, you only need to add some general information about yourself, including your real name, age, country, and email address. After sending it, you can also put a more detailed description of yourself. So, it turns out that the registration process will take no longer than 5 or 10 minutes. The only thing you have to do each time you want to enter your profile is to submit your nickname and password.

User Interface

BDSMDate Review

The interface of this website isn’t difficult. That’s why you won’t need any help to understand how to use all the features even if this is your first time using such a dating platform. The main colors of BDSMDate are white, black and red. So, it looks stylish, and there’s nothing that can distract you.

To find a particular section of the website, you should go to the top of the page. There are buttons needed to create a profile and to sign in. Furthermore, there are other sections, such as searching, videos, chat, and a digital magazine of this website. If you have any problems with the service, you can use the “Help” section. There may be answers and tips that will help you solve these issues.

There’s also a searching feature on the main page. To find your perfect match, you can select the detailed characteristics of your potential partner.


One of the essential advantages of BDSMDate is the fact that users don’t need to spend hours to find a one-night stand who will suit them. In this case, they can choose several characteristics to describe their perfect partner, and the program will make a list of people who have most of those features.

These characteristics include users:

  • Location;
  • Age;
  • Gender;
  • Preferences in sex.

As a result, choosing these features, you receive a limited list of the best candidates and don’t need to waste hours searching.

Moreover, if you create your profile, you can add your own intimate videos that are aimed to help you find a lover quicker. Furthermore, only those individuals who are signed up are allowed to look at other users’ sexual content and to watch live streams.

Members of BDSMDate

BDSMDate Review

BDSMDate is one of the most well-known services among people who enjoy practicing BDSM, fetish sex or other sexual experiments. Even though it was developed for citizens from the USA, it gained popularity fast, and now there’re users located in different parts of the globe. That’s why it’s not complicated to find your perfect partner for a couple of nights. You will enjoy using the service even if this is your first time trying such practices.

Count and Quality of the Members

These days thousands of newcomers create their profiles on BDSMDate. There are more than a million members who are fond of unusual practices in sex. That’s why you can use it to have different roles. You can become:

  • A master or a slave;
  • A submissive or a dominant;
  • A play partner;
  • A full power exchange partner.

However, if you aren’t sure which one of these roles is better for you, you can be a simple user who only wants to try a new practice in sex. Furthermore, it’s possible to try all the roles above.

One more reason to create a profile on BDSMDate is that your sexual orientation doesn’t matter. To use this online platform, you can be:

  • Lesbian or gay;
  • Straight;
  • Bi-sexual;
  • Transgender;
  • Transvestites;
  • Monogamy or Polygamy person.

BDSMDate is available for all users. The only thing you have to know that you cannot register here if you are younger than 18.


To get closer to your interlocutor, you are allowed to use different types of communication. These options include:

  • Email;
  • “Cupid” feature (it means that you send a message to new users who can satisfy your needs);
  • Rooms for chatting in life;
  • Blogs;
  • Private conversations.

Furthermore, it’s possible to find an interlocutor by using some keywords and other options for searching.

BDSMDate Pricing

BDSMDate Review

To get a profile on BDSMDate, you don’t have to pay any money. However, if you want to get access to all the functions and to enjoy your time on this website fully, you ought to purchase one of the offered memberships. They aren’t expensive, and if you use this website regularly, a premium profile will be really worth this sum.

Free Version

A free version is a great option for people who aren’t sure if they really need to use BDSMDate. This account has a limited number of functions such as:

  • Interaction via live chats;
  • Sending text messages to your interlocutors;
  • Searching for a particular user;
  • Share information and answer questions in the digital magazine.

Nonetheless, with a free profile, it’s impossible:

  • To look for people knowing their nicknames;
  • To look at the list of your browsing;
  • To send messages with emojis.

Premium Version

If you realize that BDSMDate is needed for you on a regular basis, you should purchase a premium account. Such version allows you:

  • Looking at other people’s photos and watching their private videos;
  • Choosing the location of your partner;
  • Being included in the list of online users;
  • Being on the top of the list of searching results.

There’re 2 types of premium subscriptions, and these are:

  • Gold;
  • Silver.

To purchase Gold, you have to pay:

  • $29.95 per month (for a one-month membership);
  • $14.99 per month (for 3-months membership);
  • $8.95 per month (for one-year membership).

Furthermore, if you decide to purchase a plan for 3 months, you will receive the entire month for free. In case if you choose a one-year subscription, the service will present you 6 months for free. So, it’s better to pay for several months if you want to use the platform for a long time.

Silver costs a bit cheaper:

  • $19.95 per month (for a one-month membership);
  • $11.99 per month (for 3-months membership);
  • $8.95 per month (for one-year membership).

The system protects users who have premium profiles by not letting people with free accounts send them any messages. That’s why if you purchase a membership, there’s no risk of being attacked by scammers.

Security System and Client Support

BDSMDate Review

All the information that you decide to add to your personal profile or want to share with other users of BDSMDate is protected from scammers by the most recent methods of online protection. There is a group of professional software engineers who support the service and don’t let people who have suspicious accounts send messages to other individuals. As a result, there isn’t any risk for people who are afraid that one day they will start receiving blackmailing letters or will be abused.

However, even though the team of the service is aimed to protect users and their private information, you still have to be careful when you are using this dating website. In this case, it’s better to follow these simple but helpful tips:

  • Don’t use public WiFi when you are creating your personal profile or purchase a premium version of the service;
  • Read your potential interlocutors’ descriptions and look at their photos before sending any messages;
  • Try to avoid any communications with people who don’t have premium profiles (there’s still a risk that they can be scammers).

Moreover, in case if you start receiving some messages, including inappropriate content, you should notify the team of BDSMDate about that. In case, if there are several complaints on that user, his profile will be blocked permanently.

The interface of BDSMDate is simple, and there’s a section with the most popular questions. That’s why there’s almost no need to contact a client support team. However, if there’re problems with the service, and you cannot solve them alone, you can get in touch with this group of professionals. In this case, you are allowed to send a letter via email. Furthermore, if you have purchased a premium version, you can talk to one of the representatives via mobile phone. If you prefer more conventional options, you can contact the support team by sending a real letter to their address.

BDSMDate for the Phone

One more reason to create your profile on BDSMDate is the fact that it’s simple to use it on your phone. There’s a mobile website that has all the functions of a conventional version. After signing in, you can send messages, go through all profiles, receive voice messages, and watch some intimate videos. This is a great option for individuals who don’t have time to use their computers for such communication.

To start using a mobile version, you don’t need to download any apps on your phone. Simply go to the website and get fully satisfied with your unique sexual experience.

Final Thoughts

As a result, it turns out that it’s not complicated to find a partner to try something new in sex. With BDSMDate, you can satisfy even the most secretive needs. After creating your profile, you feel protected and shouldn’t be afraid of sending your private content to your interlocutors. This website can be used on your computer and phone. If you are eager to be absolutely satisfied with the platform, you can purchase a premium version that will get cheaper if you pay for several months in a raw. However, even if you have a free account, you still can use lots of functions, and if you have any problems with your profile, you can contact client support service by sending them letters.

MS, RD & Writer
Sarah has an empathetic mindset, and she never judges other people, no matter what they are going through. She is capable of understanding her clients’ issues, and empathy enables her to find the causes and advice on the way forward.
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Customer reviews
Theresa Knight
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Linda Jones
by Linda Jones Jan 05, 2022
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by Mikaela Jan 02, 2022
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Richard Thomas
by Richard Thomas Dec 27, 2021
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Joseph Gonzales
by Joseph Gonzales Dec 20, 2021
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Mark Wright
by Mark Wright Dec 14, 2021
I happened to be fairly cynical it would go everywhere, and that I may find anything significant on this web site. My buddy prefers online dating sites, and I've merely signed up with the web page enjoyment. Well, okay, honestly communicating, Not long ago I would like to establish that online dating shouldn't function and inform him or her eventually, 'There you may be, buddy, I said so.' But i must say i obtained online flirting addicting and moving talking to truly fascinating characters. I've unique contacts or some people. Hence, I'm going to get a romantic date traditional and savor new experience.
by Malachi Dec 11, 2021
The wisest investment I've ever made try joining and employing this excellent website. I'm matchmaking these days, and because of the app for such luck. The audience is with each other for a month and had a superb energy collectively. Very, I guess I had been fortunate to meet my best mate because the entire process is excellent on the site. All the choice give you the possible opportunity to choose a whole lot towards spouse before getting one big date. On the web conversation is really helpful to receive somebody who suits their criteria and desires. My favorite occurrence on this internet site lead a great deal enjoyment and escapades to my life. Hence, I'd recommend they to every individuals searching for top quality matches.
Natalie Gardner
by Natalie Gardner Dec 09, 2021
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by Alaia Dec 01, 2021
Used to don`t select a person to big date because it is very early for me but . I am just a beginner on the internet site. Nonetheless, I'm pleased with how this app is not hard to make use of. Everything is spontaneous, but don't really have to waste time and evauluate things as soon as I signed up for the web page. Furthermore, I fancy how personal pages are presented. It's quite easy to read through photograph, deliver emails, wants, and look about users' performances and characters. I fix the area because the distance is critical in my situation and had been delighted to notice some fits that give everyone close me personally.
by Garrett Nov 25, 2021
Simple love life wasn't very prosperous before I've joined up with this application. All replaced right away as soon as opted and going messaging those I've loved on the webpage. Definitely, some individuals declined me personally, but that's not just an issue. Choices change, as it's said. Typically, I've grabbed fairly accurate meets that enabled us to produce many pals. One particular truly received under the epidermis. Within a couple of weeks of speaking, most people got all of our earliest day. As anything got tip-top, we've planned the next time before long. It appears I've procured simple finest match.
Sally Moore
by Sally Moore Nov 21, 2021
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